• Prof. David K.Nagel Seminar
  • 관리자 |
  • 2011-08-16 18:54:15|
  • 11705

6 17() 오전 11시부터 박선원 교수님께서 초청하신 David J. Nagel 교수님의 상온 핵융합 기술과 관련된 세미나가 영상강의실에서 있을 예정입니다.


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-연사: Prof. David J. Nagel (The George Washington University)


-일시: 6 17() 11~


-장소: 응용공학동 1층 영상강의실



Low Energy Nuclear Reactions:

Robust Results, Promising Prospects and Critical Challenges


David J. Nagel

The George Washington University, Washington DC USA




“Low energy nuclear reactions” or LENR is the name now given to what was initially and poorly called “cold fusion”.  Over twenty years of scientific research on LENR have resulted in very solid experimental results, especially from electrochemical loading of deuterons into Pd.  It seems possible to trigger nuclear reactions, which yield MeV energies, with chemical energies on the order of 1 eV.  Some instances of energy gains exceeding 10 have been reported.  That gain is the same value as the goal of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor, which might be achieved in about a decade. In the past two years, engineered LENR systems reportedly have energy gains exceeding 100.  The devices, which were said to exhibit such very high energy amplification values, used gas loading of protons into Ni.  Lower gain versions of such systems are now being mass manufactured for delivery to customers during 2011.  If successful, the initial products promise two significant impacts: (a) accelerated acceptance of the reality of LENR and (b) increased funding for LENR research and engineering.  Despite both scientific and engineering progress, several challenges remain. The most important is the fundamental understanding of LENR.  None of the two dozen theories on LENR is fully satisfactory.  And, a great deal of work remains on the engineering optimization of LENR energy sources.  A comparison of the history and prospects for both hot and “cold” fusion will be presented. It is concluded that small and distributed LENR sources of energy, which are safe and produce no residual radioactivity, might be in common use by the time hot fusion in large central facilities is finally ready for commercialization. 



David J. Nagel received a BS degree in Engineering Science (Magna Cum Laude), an MS degree in Physics and a PhD in Materials Engineering.  During a half century, he has had three successful careers:  Officer in the US Navy.  After graduating first in his Navy class, Nagel had four years of active duty and 26 years of reserve service, including three tours as a Commanding Officer. He retired with the rank of Captain in 1990.   Federal Government Scientist and Manager.  Dr. Nagel joined the civilian staff of the Naval Research Laboratory after his active duty. He became a member of the Senior Executive Service and leader of a physics division for over a dozen years.  During that time, he managed the experimental and theoretical research and development efforts of 150 government, contractor and other personnel, including 80 PhDs, with a budget of $30M per year.  University Teacher and Researcher.  For the past dozen years, Dr. Nagel has been a Research Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of The George Washington University.  He taught graduate level courses on MEMS and NanoTechnology.  His current research centers on noise in solar cells and low energy nuclear reactions.
