• KAIST-KTH Royal Institute of Technology Joint Workshop (April 24, Tue)
  • 관리자 |
  • 2012-04-16 17:52:13|
  • 9061



글로벌 협력본부에서는 KAIST와 스웨덴 왕립공과대학(KTH)와의 공동 워크샵을 아래와 같이 개최하고자 하오니 많은 교수님들과 학생분들, 박사후과정 연구원님들의 참여를 바랍니다.


특히 동 대학과는 Dr and Mrs Jonasson 부부의 기부에 의해 마련된 교원 및 박사후과정 연구원 교류지원프로그램이 발족할 예정이므로(지원규모 총 약 6 8천만원) 관심 있는 분들의 많은 참여 바랍니다.



- 아 래 -



행사명: KAIST-KTH Royal Institute of Technology Joint Workshop on Technologies in Healthcare

일 시: 20124 24() 09:30~15:00

장소: N24 LG Semicon Hall



KTH - Prof. Lars-Ake Brodlin: Applied medical engineering, innovation from clinical problem

       Prof. Bjorn-Erik Erlandsson: ICT in Healthcare

       Prof. Mikael Gronkvist: Presentation of the environmental physiology


KAIST - 박현욱 교수님, 전기및전자공학과

      - 김정 교수님, 기계공학전공

      - 배현민 교수님, 전기및전자공학과

      - 박제균 교수님, 바이오및뇌공학과


문의: 국제협력팀 2441 irt@kaist.ac.kr




This is to annnounce KAIST-KTH Royal Institute of Technology Joint Workshop organized by

International Relations Team. Professors, students and post-doc researchers are encouraged to participate.


For the reference, KAIST and KTH will launch Dr and Mrs Jonasson Exchange program

which will financially support faculty members and post-doc researchers(Approx 680,000,000 won in total)





Title: KAIST-KTH Royal Institute of Technology Joint Workshop on Technologies in Healthcare

Date/Time: April 24(Tue), 2012,  09:30~15:00

Venue: N24 LG Semicon Hall


KTH- Prof. Lars-Ake Brodlin: Applied medical engineering, innovation from clinical problem

         Prof. Bjorn-Erik Erlandsson: ICT in Healthcare

         Prof. Mikael Gronkvist: Presentation of the environmental physiology


KAIST-Prof. Hyun Wook Park, Dept. of Electrical Engineering

         - Prof. Jung Kim, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering        

         - Prof. Hyeon-Min Bae, Dept. of Electrical Engineering

         - Prof. Je-Kyun Park, Dept. of Bio and Brain Engineering


Inquiries: International Relations Team 2441
