- [해외연사 초청세미나:10월12일 Trey Ideker(UCSD), 10월18일Steven E. Brenner(UC Berkeley)]
- 관리자 |
- 2012-10-08 14:02:33|
- 14275
KAIST 바이오및뇌공학과에서 오는 10월 12일(금)과 10월 18일(목)에 2회에 걸쳐, 아래와 같이 시스템 바이오정보학 분야의 석학 초청 세미나를 다음과 같이 개최합니다.
이번 행사에 많은 관심과 성원 부탁 드립니다.
2012년 10월 4일
바 이 오 및 뇌 공 학 과
학 과 장 이 도 헌 배 상
<시스템 바이오정보학 석학 초청 세미나 1>
일시: 2012년 10월 12일(금) 오후 5시-6시
장소: 정문술빌딩(E16) 219호
연사: Dr. Trey Ideker
Professor, Departments of Medicine and Bioengineering
Division Chief of Genetics, UCSD
제목: "Turning Protein Networks into Ontologies”
Ontologies have been very useful for capturing knowledge as a
hierarchy of concepts and their interrelationships. In biology, a
prime challenge has been to develop ontologies of gene function given
only partial biological knowledge and inconsistency in how this
knowledge is curated by experts. I will present a method by which
large networks of gene and protein interaction, as are being mapped
systematically for many species, can be transformed to assemble an
ontology with equivalent coverage and power to the manually-curated
Gene Ontology (GO). The network-extracted ontology contains 4,123
biological concepts and 5,766 relations, capturing the majority of
known cellular components as well as many additional concepts,
triggering subsequent updates to GO. Using genetic interaction
profiling we provide further support for novel concepts related to
protein trafficking, including a link between Nnf2 and YEL043W. This
work enables a shift from using ontologies to evaluate data to using
data to construct and evaluate ontologies.
<시스템 바이오정보학 석학 초청 세미나 2>
일시: 2012년 10월 18일(목) 오후 4시-5시
장소: 정문술빌딩(E16) 219호
연사: Dr. Steven E. Brenner
Professor, Depts. of Plant and Microbial Biology and
Molecular and Cell Biology
Affiliated Associate Professor, Dept. of Bioengineering, UC Berkeley
제목: "Ultraconserved nonsense: gene regulation by alternative splicing
& RNA surveillance"
Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) is a cellular RNA surveillance
system that recognizes transcripts with premature termination codons
and degrades them. Using RNA-Seq, we discovered large numbers of
natural alternative splice forms that appear to be targets for NMD.
This coupling of alternative splicing and RNA surveillance can be used
as a means of gene regulation. We found that all conserved members of
the human SR family of splice regulators have an “unproductive”
alternative mRNA isoform targeted for NMD degradation. Preliminary
data suggest that this is used for creating a network of auto- and
cross-regulation of splice factors. Strikingly, the splice pattern for
each SR protein is shared with mouse, and each alternative splice is
associated with an ultraconserved or highly-conserved region of ~100
or more nucleotides of perfect identity between human and
mouse--amongst the most conserved regions in these genomes. Further,
we recently discovering that most ancient known alternative splicing
event is in this family and creates an alternate transcript to be
degraded by NMD. Despite conservation since the pre-Cambrian, when the
genes duplicate they change their regulation, so that nearly every
human SR gene has its own distinctive sequences for unproductive
splicing. As a result, this elaborate mode of gene regulation has
ancient origins and can involve exceptionally conserved sequences, yet
after gene duplication it evolves swiftly and often.
후원: KAIST BK Real-World Scale Computing 사업단, 연구재단, 기초연구실육성사업단
문의: 박옥주 (okju@kaist.ac.kr, 042-350-5368)
- 다음
- Re: 10월12일 세미나 취소
- 2012-10-10