- 2012 EEWS International Workshop on Sustainable Water Reuse and Desalination
- 관리자 |
- 2012-11-05 11:50:52|
- 7817
KAIST EEWS 기획단에서 주최하는 "2012 EEWS International Workshop on Sustainable Water Reuse and Desalination" 이 11월 8일(목), KAIST KI Building Fusion Hall (1F)에서 다음과 같이 개최됩니다.
많은 관심과 참석 부탁 드립니다.
l 행사명: 2012 EEWS International Workshop on Sustainable Water Reuse and Desalination
l 일시 : 11월 8일(목)
l 장소 : KAIST KI Building(E4) 1층, Fusion Hall
l 주최: KAIST EEWS Initiative
l Workshop Chair : Mamadou S.Diallo 교수(KAIST EEWS대학원), 신항식 교수(KAIST 건설 및 환경공학과)
- 사전등록(무료; 11월 6일까지)
- 현장등록(행사 개최일 : 11월 8일, 무료)
*현재 행사 홈페이지에서 사전 등록 접수 중입니다.
행사 홈페이지 : http://eews.kaist.ac.kr/2012workshop (접속 후 왼쪽 Sustainable Water Reuse and Desalination 클릭)
l 문의
조만기: manki2@kaist.ac.kr
자세한 사항은 행사 홈페이지나 첨부된 Brochure를 확인 바랍니다.
2012 EEWS International Workshop on Sustainable Water Reuse and Desalination will be held on Nov. 8th 2012 (Thurs) at KAIST KI Building Fusion Hall (1F). Brief summary of the event is below:
l Event: 2012 EEWS International Workshop on Sustainable Water Reuse and Desalination
- http://eews.kaist.ac.kr/2012workshop, Program Chairs: Prof. Hang-Sik Shin and Prof. Mamadou S. Diallo
l Date : November 8th, 2012(Thurs)
l Venue: KAIST KI Building(E4) 1F Fusion Hall
l Host: KAIST EEWS Initiative
l Registration
- Pre-registration(free; due Nov. 6th 2012)
- On-site registration(Nov. 8th 2012)
*Currently Accepting Pre-registration on Workshop Website.
Workshop Website: http://eews.kaist.ac.kr/2012workshop (From left menu click Sustainable Water Reuse and Desalination
l Contact
Manki Cho: manki2@kaist.ac.kr
Please refer to the workshop website or attached brochure for additional information