- [ICC Global Lecture Series-HPC for Photovoltaic and Material Developments] Prof. Shiang-Tai Lin, Dec 4-6,1-4pm, 우리별세미나실
- 관리자 |
- 2012-12-03 15:43:09|
- 13898
정보 과학기술대학(ICC) 주관 해외 저명 과학자를 초빙하여 아래와 같이 Global Lecture를 개설합니다.
아래 주제에 관심 있는 분들께서는 참석하셔서 유익한 시간되시기 바랍니다.
* Lecturer: Shiang-Tai Lin (National Taiwan University, Dept. of Chemical Engineering)
* Course Title: High Performance Computing for Photovoltaic and Material Developments
In this course, we will introduce examples of the use of modern computational chemistry and high performance computers in the development of new materials for energy devices, chemical processes, and nanoscale materials.
The course will cover three topics, given in the following lectures.
* Time, Place, & Contents:
12/4 (Tue)
1PM ~ 4PM
E3 Bldg. #2201
Material and Process Development from Molecular Design
12/5 (Wed)
1PM ~ 4PM
E3 Bldg. #2201
Rapid Thermodynamic Property Evaluation from Molecular Dynamic Simulations
12/6 (Thu)
1PM ~ 4PM
E3 Bldg. #2201
Generation and Transport of Charge Carriers in Organic Photovoltaic Cells
* Lecturer's profile
Shiang-Tai Lin is a full professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University. He received his B.S. degree in 1996 from the National Taiwan University and Ph.D. degree in 2000 from the University of Delaware. Before joining the faculty of NTU in 2004, he worked at the California Institute of Technology as a postdoctoral scholar and research staff. Dr. Lin’s research focuses on the use of modern computational chemistry for chemical and material science engineering problems. Specific examples include the thermophysical properties of materials, phase behavior, the equilibrium and kinetic properties of gas hydrates, the efficiency of polymer photovoltaics. His research works have been published in over 60 peer-reviewed journals. Dr. Lin’s research team was the recipient of the Best Poster APJ award in the APCChE2010, and the champion of the 5th Industrial Fluid Property Simulation Challenge in 2008. Dr. Lin was awarded the Distinguish Professor Award for Academic and Research from the Bowei Lee Education Foundation in 2011, the Ta-You Wu Memorial Award from the National Science Council of Taiwan in 2010, and the Young Faculty Award from the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers in 2007. Dr. Lin is a member of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, and the American Chemical Society.
Host: Prof. Kim, Yong-Hoon (EEWS, 1717), Prof. Shin, Mincheol (EE, 7418)
Inquiry: EEWS admin office (T. 042-350-1705)
- 이전
- 제 4회 KAIST ICC IT융합 국제워크숍 개최 안내
- 2012-12-03