• [해외연사 초청 세미나] Oregon Health & Science University의 이수경교수 (2월21일)
  • 관리자 |
  • 2013-02-12 15:41:28|
  • 13748

오는 2 21() 3시에 Oregon Health & Science University의 이수경교수의 세미나를 개최합니다.
이번 세미나의 주제는
Gene Regulatory Networks in Spinal Cord Development 으로 genome-wide ChIP-seq and RNA-seq analyses 대한 내용이 포함되어있습니다.

많은 참석 바랍니다.

전대종 드림.

일시: 2013 2 21() 오후 3
장소: 정문술빌딩(E16) 219
연사: 이수경교수

      Pediatric Neuroscience Research Program,

         Pape Family Pediatric Research Institute,

         Department of Pediatrics, Vollum Institute,      

         Oregon Health & Science University,

         Portland, OR 97239, USA


제목: " Gene Regulatory Networks in Spinal Cord Development "


  CNS development is governed by networks of extrinsic and intrinsic molecular programs

that together orchestrate precise gene regulation and specify a large number of distinct neuronal

and glial cell types. The role of transcription factors, such as LIM homeodomain (HD) proteins,

has been a focus of the study of neural cell-type specification over the past decades. However,

their target genes and the molecular mechanisms by which these transcription factors cross-talk

with extracellular signals to coordinate cell differentiation remain poorly understood.

We are addressing these critical issues by focusing on the gene networks that specify motor

neurons (MNs) in the spinal cord, where the developmental transcription codes underlying the

establishment of neuronal identity are relatively well understood.

  LIM-HD transcription factors function as key regulators of many development pathways.

The MN-hexamer complex consisting of Lhx3, Isl1 and NLI is a key determinant of motor neuron

specification and differentiation. To gain insights into the transcriptional network in motor neuron

development, we performed a genome-wide ChIP-seq and RNA-seq analyses, and found that the

MN-hexamer directly regulates a wide array of motor neurons genes by binding to the HxRE

(hexamer response element) shared among the target genes. Furthermore, our ChIP-seq analysis

revealed new partner transcription factors and signaling pathways that cooperate with the MN-hexamer

for motor neuron development.

  Besides providing crucial insights into the molecular mechanisms controlling the generation of motor

neurons and the motor circuits, our studies will establish a fundamental framework for studying how

combinatorial transcription codes and extracellular cues are integrated to create the amazing cellular

diversity that arises during CNS development.

문의 : 박옥주 (042.350.5368, okju@kaist.ac.kr)


