- [MSE Seminar] Materials Innovation at Corning (3/28, Thu, 16:00, #2425)
- 관리자 |
- 2013-03-26 09:57:20|
- 8919
특 별 세 미 나 안 내 (신소재공학과)
제목 : Materials Innovation at Corning(Exploratory Markets & Technologies)
연사 : 김 진 수 박사 (Corning, New York)
초청교수 : 백경욱 교수
일시 : 2013. 3. 28 (목) 16:00
장소 : 응용공학동 2425호 강의실
▣ 발표내용요약(Abstract)
Many nations – both developed and developing – have recently renewed their realization that manufacturing is a key driver for national competitiveness. Advanced materials are a critical enabler of advanced manufacturing, and specialty materials makers such as Corning, 3M, and DuPont are not only critical to the U.S. economy but also highly profitable and often disruptive (in good ways!). This seminar will discuss the commercialization of materials innovation at Corning. We will start with the role of Science & Technology at Corning, with special focus on the early stage of innovation – Exploratory Markets & Technologies. The discussion will move into the innovation process – innovation execution & growth, innovation portfolio development, and current innovation portfolio. The presentation will conclude with the discussion of the skills useful, rather critical, in the early stage of innovation – global networking through multiple industries and value chain, specialty in bringing keystone components to markets, and technology valuations to assess and develop opportunities. The attendees will learn about unique challenges, approaches, perspectives, and excitement in innovation and commercialization of materials, which the speaker hopes are applicable to their study, networking, and career plans
첨부파일 |
- 이전
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