- ICC Global Lecture: Prof. Jiawei Han 7/1~5(월~금) 1~4 p.m.
- 관리자 |
- 2013-07-02 15:10:16|
- 8624
※ 강의자료(Lecture Material) : https://wiki.engr.illinois.edu/display/cs591han/KAIST+-+Mining+Heterogeneous+Information+Networks+-+July+1-5%2C+2013
(강의자료는 최종이 아니며, 며칠 내로 다시 업데이트 될 예정입니다. 양해 부탁드립니다.
The lecture materials are not final version. Please understand that they will be updated in the next several days.)
지식서비스공학과에서는 데이터 마이닝 분야의 세계적인 거장 Jiawei Han교수님(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)을 모시고 아래와 같이 ICC Global Lecture를 진행합니다.
관심 있으신 분들의 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.
▷ 아 래 ◁
- 일 시 : 2013. 7. 1~5(월~금), 1 ~ 4 p.m.
- 장 소 : E3 Bldg., Room 1501 (전산학동 공동강의실)
- 강 사 : Jiawei Han교수님(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
- 주 제 : "Mining Heterogeneous Information Networks"
- 초청자: 이재길 교수 (042-350-1607)
- 주 최 : 지식서비스공학과(전산학과 공동 주최)
- 문 의 : 지식서비스공학과 학과사무실 (☎042-350-1603)
- 강의 일정
July 1
Session 1
Introduction to Data Mining and Information Network Analysis: A General Overview
Session 2
Network Analysis: Measure and Metrics of Networks
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July 2
Session 1
Network Analysis: Models of Network Formation
Session 2
Network Analysis: Graph Mining and Link Mining in Networks
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July 3
Session 1
Mining Heterogeneous Information Networks: Clustering and Classification
Session 2
Mining Heterogeneous Information Networks: Similarity Search and Link Prediction
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July 4
Session 1
Mining Heterogeneous Information Networks: Role Discovery and OLAP Analysis
Session 2
Mining Heterogeneous Information Networks: Data Cleaning and Truth-Finding
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July 5
Session 1
Construction of Heterogeneous Information Networks from Text and Web
Session 2
Data Mining in Cyber-Physical Systems and Cyber-Physical Networks
※ 강의 초록 및 연사정보 등 자세한 사항은 첨부파일 확인 부탁드립니다.
지 식 서 비 스 공 학 과
We would like to invite all of you to a ICC Global Lecture by Pro. Jawei Han(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign). Prof. Jawei Han is the world's greatest scientest in the field of data mining.
Those interested in this area, please attend and listen to a very precious lecture.
- Date & Time : 2013. 7. 1~5(Mon~Fri), 1 ~ 4 p.m.
- Venue : E3 Bldg., Room 1501
- Lecturer : Prof. Jiawei Han (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
- Title : "Mining Heterogeneous Information Networks"
- Inviter : Prof. Jae-Gil Lee (042-350-1607)
- Host : Department of Knowledge Service Engineering (co-hosting with Department of Computer Science)
- Contact Number : Department Office of KSE (☎042-350-1603)
- Course Outline
July 1
Session 1
Introduction to Data Mining and Information Network Analysis: A General Overview
Session 2
Network Analysis: Measure and Metrics of Networks
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July 2
Session 1
Network Analysis: Models of Network Formation
Session 2
Network Analysis: Graph Mining and Link Mining in Networks
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July 3
Session 1
Mining Heterogeneous Information Networks: Clustering and Classification
Session 2
Mining Heterogeneous Information Networks: Similarity Search and Link Prediction
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July 4
Session 1
Mining Heterogeneous Information Networks: Role Discovery and OLAP Analysis
Session 2
Mining Heterogeneous Information Networks: Data Cleaning and Truth-Finding
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July 5
Session 1
Construction of Heterogeneous Information Networks from Text and Web
Session 2
Data Mining in Cyber-Physical Systems and Cyber-Physical Networks
※ For further information of the lecture, abstract and speaker, please refer to the attached file.
Department of Knowledge Service Engineering