- [CBE Seminar] 16 August(Fri) Prof. Matthew J Realff, Georgia Tech
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- 2013-08-12 14:25:51|
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8월 16일(금) 오전 10시에 제1세미나실에서 조지아텍 생명화학공학부 Matthew J Realff 교수님을 모시고 아래와 같이 초청 세미나를 진행합니다.
관심 있는 분들의 많은 참여 바랍니다.
*첨부: 세미나 포스터, 연사 CV
Carbon Capture from Power Plant Flue Gas Using Hollow Fiber Sorbent Systems in a Rapid Thermal Swing Adsorption (RTSA) Process: Process Design and Analysis
Prof. Matthew J Realff
Georgia Institute of Technology
School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
August 16(Fri), 10AM / Room 1101 @ W1-3 Bldg.
The effective low cost removal of CO2 from power plant flue gases is technically very challenging due to the huge volumes of relatively low concentration gas that must be successfully processed. In this talk I will describe a new approach to carrying out this task using hollow fiber sorbent systems that have recently been pioneered at Georgia Tech.
The hollow fiber sorbent system combines the advantages of high affinity and capacity sorbents with a novel module contactor that mitigates many of the disadvantages that sorbent processes have. Specifically, the sorbent is embedded in silica particles that are themselves mixed with polymer dope and spun into a hollow fiber with dimensions of roughly 1micron outer diameter and 300 micron inner diameter. The inner bore of the fiber is made waterproof with a lumen layer of impervious polymer to create a channel down which water can be pumped. The polymer is very porous, with a volume fraction of 50-60%, and a high silica loading, which enables it both to have a high surface area for sorption and relatively fast mass transfer into the annulus. The organization of the sorbent into hollow fibers and their parallel arrangement in a module, rather than as a packed bed, dramatically reduces the pressure drop on the flue gas side of the module. It also allows for water to be circulated through the fiber bore which provides both rapid cooling during adsorption, thus allowing the capacity of the sorbent to remain high, and rapid heating during desorption, thus allowing the rapid thermal swing of the process and hence much reduced process volume and therefore capital cost.
In this talk I will discuss the basic RTSA materials and cycle. I will present models of the cyclic operation and the important phenomena that govern the overall system behavior and the key parameters for design and operational optimization. I will show some initial validation of the model using experimental data for small scale modules and the challenges associated with developing models for this process. I will present an overall system concept for integrating the RTSA process into a 550MW coal fired power plant and a preliminary technoeconomic analysis of the cost of CO2 capture using this process.