• EEWS workshop : Next Generation Green Oxy-PC Power Plant for CCS System 초청 - 11/21(금)
  • 관리자 |
  • 2013-11-13 18:48:20|
  • 8638


오는 11 21() KI빌딩 내 Matrix 홀에서 개최하는 “EEWS 2013 international workshop : Next Generation Green Oxy-PC Power Plant for CCS System” 행사 소식을 알려드립니다.


CCS(Carbon Capture & Storage), 순산소 연소(Oxy-fuel combustion) 그리고 환경 처리 기술에 대한 국외 3, 국내 6명의 전문가 강연이 준비되어 있으며 이 분야의 최근 동향과 기술에 대해서 자유롭게 듣고 토론할 수 있는 매우 의미있는 워크샵이 될 것 입니다. <brochure첨부>


평소 기후 변화와 지구 온난화에 대비한 기술에 관심이 많았던 카이스트 구성원 여러분의 많은 관심과 참여 부탁 드립니다. 카이스트 구성원의 경우 사전 및 현장 등록비가 무료이므로 부담 없이 양질의 workshop에 참석해주시기 바랍니다.


주제 : Next Generation Green Oxy-PC Power Plant for CCS System

일시 : November 21 , 2013 (Thu.) 09 : 50 16 : 45

장소 : Matrix Hall, KI Building, KAIST

Homepage : http://eews.kaist.ac.kr/2013workshop/ccs_system

KAIST has been hosting the annual International Workshop on EEWS (Energy, Environment, Water, and Sustainability) since 2008 with the objective of establishing a multi-disciplinary research and educational system to investigate the innovative technologies for EEWS. As a certain solution for the climate change, CCS system has been actively researched in recent years. Thus KAIST EEWS is organizing a special workshop on Next Generation Green Oxy-PC Power Plant for CCS System held on Nov.21, 2013 at KAIST KI Building (2nd floor Matrix Hall) on the Daejeon campus.

The workshop is to embrace a range of subjects from the climate change and CCS technology to oxy fuel combustion system and pollutant control technology. We hope you take a full advantage of this workshop to conductyourvaluable research. It also represents a great opportunity for government agencies, industry, investors, and academia to meet face-to-face with scientists and engineers. We look forward to meeting all of you at the workshop.

Prof. Sang Soo Kim

Program Chair



Contact - 정성하 E-mail: jeongsh@kaist.ac.kr Tel: +82-42-350-3061 , +82-10-5045-8173