• 대학원 전공이수요건 변경 (2013학번부터 적용) Major Course Requirement Change (applicable to the graduate students entering 2013 and onward)
  • 관리자 |
  • 2013-01-16 14:42:42|
  • 20649


*대학원 전공필수 과목 CBE602 <생명화학공학의 문제해결>을 신설함에 따라 대학원 교과이수요건 중 '전공필수' 항목이 3학점 늘어나고 '전공선택' 항목이 3학점 줄어듬.


*적용: 2013학번 석사/박사/석박통합과정부터


*Since a mandatory major course for graduate students, CBE602 , is newly offered from 2013 Spring, mandatory major course requirement increased by 3 credits and major elective reduced by 3 credits.


*New requirement applies to the MS/PhD/MS-PhD Integrated Degree Program students entering 2013 and onward.



현 행

변 경


1) 논문 석사

~. <생략>

. 전공필수 : 3학점

. 선 택 : 15학점 이상(이 중 12학점은 당 학과에서 개설하는 과목을 이수하여야 함. , EEWS대학원 과목 중 생명화학공학과 교수가 강의하는 과목에 한해 당 학과 개설 과목을 수강한 것으로 인정함.)



~. <생략>

. 전공필수 : 3학점

. 선 택 : 24학점 이상(이 중 15학점은 당 학과에서 개설하는 과목을 이수하여야 함. , EEWS대학원 과목 중 생명화학공학과 교수가 강의하는 과목에 한해 당 학과 개설 과목을 수강한 것으로 인정함.)


1) 논문 석사

~. <생략>

. 전공필수 : 6학점

. 선 택 : 12학점 이상(이 중 9학점은 당 학과에서 개설하는 과목을 이수하여야 함. , EEWS대학원 과목 중 생명화학공학과 교수가 강의하는 과목에 한해 당 학과 개설 과목을 수강한 것으로 인정함.)



~. <생략>

. 전공필수 : 6학점

. 선 택 : 21학점 이상(이 중 12학점은 당 학과에서 개설하는 과목을 이수하여야 함. , EEWS대학원 과목 중 생명화학공학과 교수가 강의하는 과목에 한해 당 학과 개설 과목을 수강한 것으로 인정함.)


- 본 이수요건은 2013학년도 입학생부터 적용함.

- 이전 입학생은 기존 이수요건을 따름

석사과정(2012학번): 전공필수 3학점(CBE601), 전공선택 15학점 이상(당 학과 개설 과목 12학점)

석사과정(2009~2011학번): 전공필수 없음, 전공선택 18학점 이상(당 학과 개설 과목 15학점)

박사 및 석박통합과정(2009~2012학번): 전공필수 없음, 전공선택 27학점 이상(당 학과 개설 과목 18학점)




Master's Program

1) Thesis Master's Degree

A~B. <No Change>

C. Mandatory Major Course : 3 credits

D. Elective Course : at least 15 credits(It is required, at least, to take 12 credits from the lectures offered by the department. Lectures offered in Graduate School of EEWS by the professors of CBE department are considered as lectures offered by CBE department.)


Doctoral Program

A~B. <No Change>

C. Mandatory Major Course : 3 credits

D. Elective Course : at least 24 credits(It is required, at least, to take 15 credits from the lectures offered by the department. Lectures offered in Graduate School of EEWS by the professors of CBE department are considered as lectures offered by CBE department.)

Master's Program

1) Thesis Master's Degree

A~B. <No Change>

C. Mandatory Major Course : 6 credits

D. Elective Course : at least 12 credits(It is required, at least, to take 9 credits from the lectures offered by the department. Lectures offered in Graduate School of EEWS by the professors of CBE department are considered as lectures offered by CBE department.)


Doctoral Program

A~B. <No Change>

C. Mandatory Major Course : 6 credits

D. Elective Course : at least 21 credits(It is required, at least, to take 12 credits from the lectures offered by the department. Lectures offered in Graduate School of EEWS by the professors of CBE department are considered as lectures offered by CBE department.)


Measures for Change

- These requirements apply to those who enrolled in 2013 and onward.

- Those who enrolled in 2012 or before may comply to the former requirements:

· Master’s Program students who enrolled in 2012: 3 credits of Mandatory Major Course(CBE601); at least 15 credits of Elective Course(12 credits from CBE course)

· Master’s Program students who enrolled between 2009 and 2011: at least 18 credits of Elective Course(15 credits from CBE course); no Mandatory Major Course required

· Doctoral, Integrated Master’s and Doctoral Degree Program students who enrolled between 2009 and 2012: at least 27 credits of Elective Course(18 credits from CBE course); no Mandatory Major Course required
