• 국제학생증 발급업무 개시 KAIST Launches International Student Identity Card Issuing Service
  • 관리자 |
  • 2013-01-16 17:33:09|
  • 15919


카이스트에서는 2013 2 1일부터 홈페이지를 통해 국제학생증 발급 서비스를 시작합니다.



1. 국제학생증(ISIC-International Student Identity Card)이란?

유네스코(UNESCO) 인증한 각국 대표기관에서 발급하는 세계 유일의 국제적 통용 학생신분증( 세계 120 개국에서 발급)


2. 국제학생증의 쓰임새는?

학생신분 증명은 물론 해외교통(항공-선박-철도)/숙박(호텔)/관람요금 할인, 현지 결제수단 등으로 넓게 이용


3. 국제학생증 발급대상은?

KAIST 학적을 두고 있는 재학생 또는 휴학생이라면 학부/대학원, 내국인/외국인에 관계없이 희망하는 누구에게나 발급(, 입학예정자/수료자/졸업자 등은 불가)


4. 국제학생증을 발급 받으려면? 다음 가지 방법을 이용

. 현행처럼 한국국제학생교류회(KISES) 서울사무소 또는 부산사무소를 직접 방문하거나 우편으로 신청(재학증명서 본인 신분증명 서류가 필요함)

. KAIST 홈페이지에서 온라인 신청 : 따로 제출해야 하는 서류가 없음.

1) www.kaist.ac.kr →대학생활(campus life)→국제학생증(International Student Identity Card)ISIC 신청하기(sign up for ISIC)→로그인(login)

2) KAIST 포털 접속에 사용하는 아이디와 비밀번호를 입력

3) 원하는 카드 타입 선택(체크카드형 또는 일반형)  온라인신청서 작성

4) 체크카드형은 전국 외환은행 지점 방문하여 발급비용 납부하고 국제학생증 수령, 일반형은 온라인으로 발급비용을 결제한 다음 안전팀 방문하여 국제학생증 수령


5. 국제학생증 발급에 드는 비용은?

. 유료(14,000) : 신규발급, 분실로 인한 재발급, 유효기간(발급월로부터 13개월) 만료, 사진교체로 인한 재발급

. 무료카드불량으로 인한 재발급


6. 발급문의

. 한국국제학생교류회(www.isic.co.kr) : 02-733-9393/9494, 서울시 종로구 종각역 8 출구 YMCA빌딩 5

KAIST 안전팀 : 042-350-8000/2070, 교육지원동(W8) 1


붙임 : 국제학생증(ISIC) 발급신청 workfolw.pdf




KAIST has launched issuing service of the International Student Identity Card (ISIC), the only internationally recognized student ID for all full-time students.


The service will be provided at the KAIST homepage starting on Feb. 1, 2013




1. What is an ISIC?

ISIC is the only internationally recognized student ID for full-time students which is issued by representative institutions of each country which have been certified by UNESCO.(It is currently issued in more than 120 countries all over the world)


2. How to use

ISIC holders can take advantage of discounts on overseas travel(airline, ship and train)/accommodations(hotel)/museum and shopping.


3. Eligibility

All KAIST students including undergraduate and graduate students, Korean and international students and students on a leave of absence are eligible. (Prospective students, diploma holders and graduates are not eligible)


4. How to Get ISIC

A. You can visit the Seoul or Busan office of the Korea International Student Exchange Society and apply for the card, or may apply for the card by mail. (You have to bring proof that you are a student)

B. Online application at KAIST homepage(There is no need to submit any other documents)


1) www.kaist.ac.kr campus life International Student Identity Card sign up for ISIClogin

2) Input the ID and password for the KAIST portal.

3) First select the card type that you want(check card or basic card) and then fill out the online application.

4) Students who choose a check card should visit a branch office of the Korea Exchange Bank and pay the issuance fee to get an ISIC. Students who choose a basic card should first pay the issuance fee online and then visit the KAIST Safety & Security Team to get an ISIC.


5. How much an ISIC costs?

A. KRW 14,000: New issuance and replacement due to loss, expiration of the validity term, and change of photo.

B. Replacement due to faulty card is free of charge.


6. Inquiry

A. Korea International Student Exchange Society (www.isic.co.kr), 02-733-9393/9494, YMCA Building, Exit No.8 of the Jonggak Subway Station, Jongro-gu, Seoul)

B. KAIST Safety and Security Team: 042-350-8000/2070, the first floor of the Education Support Building (W8)


Attachment: Workflow for the issuance of the international Student Identity Card.