• 2014년 여름학기 Tokyo Tech. 학생교환프로그램 신청 안내 2014 AOTULE Summer Student Exchange Program at Tokyo Tech.
  • 관리자 |
  • 2013-10-14 14:21:32|
  • 8202


2014 여름학기 Tokyo Tech. 학생교환프로그램 신청안내


1. 개 요 : AOTULE 협력사업의 일환으로 Tokyo Institute of Technology에서 2014

여름학기 학생교환프로그램을 아래와 같이 실시함.


2. 대 상 : 공과대학 또는 정보과학기술대학 소속 석·박사과정 학생 (1, 최대 2)


3. 기 간 : 2014 6 2 ~ 8 29일 예정


4. 프로그램 주요내용

- Faculty-mentored research project 수행 (*지도교수는 학생 분야에 맞춰 Tokyo Tech.에서 배정)

- 특강(Survival Japanese Lessons ) 수강

- Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop 참석/발표

- 소속학교 소개를 위한 포스터 발표


5. 프로그램 참여자 혜택 (Tokyo Institute of Technology 제공)

- 왕복항공권 지원

- 수업료 면제

- 체재비 일부 지원 (액수 미정, 2013년에는 4,000/.)

- 캠퍼스 인근 거주지 소개


6. 학생 부담사항

  - 일본 학생비자 발급 (의무사항으로 프로그램 참여자 선정 후 개인별 신청)

  - 도쿄공대 캠퍼스 사고보험가입 (의무사항)

  - 현지 숙식비 (지원 체재비로 일부 충당 가능)

  - 여행자 보험


7. 신청방법

    신청서(소정양식)를 작성하여 2013.12.6()까지 정보과학기술대학 교학팀(담당: 이기원)으로 제출(,박사과정 성적증명서 및 공인영어성적 증빙서류 동봉)


 8. 프로그램 참가자 선정절차

신청자 중, 상위학위과정, 학점, 영어성적 등 선발기준에 따라 1순위, 2순위를 정하여 실시기관(Tokyo Tech.) 추천

- 실시기관(Tokyo Tech.)에서 최종 선정하여 통보(2014.1월 예정)



2014 AOTULE Summer Student Exchange Program at Tokyo Tech.


The Graduate School of Engineering of Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) wishes to invite students from the AOTULE member universities to participate in the 2014 AOTULE Summer Student Exchange Program at Tokyo Tech.


Hereunder is a brief outline of the program


Participants: 1~2 graduate students who are recommended by the home institution (select 1st choice nominee, and consider selecting the 2nd choice nominee if funds are available)


Exchange Period:

June to August. Students must arrive at designated airport in Tokyo area (either Narita or Haneda) on 2 June 2014 and depart on 29 August 2014. The flight will be arranged by Tokyo Tech.



In addition to conducting a research project, students are requested to participate in designated course work*. Also, a two day 6th Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop (MISW2014) is scheduled for the participants to present their work (either the work during their stay or the work at their home institution) as well as presenting a poster to introduce their home institution to other students.

*course work in 2013: Survival Japanese(lectures, 3hrs/day, 5days.) HighTech Japan (lectures and factory visits, 4days)


Flight and Accommodation:

Tokyo Tech will provide a round-trip airline ticket from/to nearby airport of the students home institution, and also help them to find accommodation.

*Accommodation is provided for the exchange students only. Tokyo Tech cannot provide/help finding accommodation for the student to visit with his/her family or others.


Tuition Fee and Allowance:

Tuition fees for the program are waived. Monthly allowance* including rent supplement is provided.

*Amount to be determined in due course. For your reference, JPY 4,000/day in 2013.


Student Visa:

All students, including those from visa waiver countries, are required to apply for and obtain a Japanese student visa immediately after receiving acceptance notification from this program.



It is mandatory for all exchange students to enroll in the Tokyo Tech on-campus accident insurance scheme and the students will be responsible for payment of its premium upon arrival. Medical/Travel insurance for the duration of the program must also be purchased prior to the arrival.


How to apply:

Fill in the application form and submit it Mr. Ki Won Lee at Academic & Student Affairs Team, College of Information Science and Technology by 6 December 2013. (In addition to the application, Academic transcript during master and doctoral courses and English proficiency test score also need to be submitted.)


The Tokyo Tech AOTULE Committee will review the applications and notify you of the candidate selection by early January 2014. The selected students will then need to complete an online application form and to submit necessary documents for admission into Tokyo Tech.