- 2025년 전기 박사자격시험 결과 / Notice on the Ph.D. Qualification Exam Result the former part of 2025
- 관리자 |
- 2025-02-13 09:38:53|
- 516
□ 2025년 전기 박사과정 자격시험 결과
1. 합격기준: 필기시험 통과(면제) 및 서류전형 400점 만점기준 중 75% 이상(300점) 획득자
2. 합격자: 30명
□ Notice on the Ph.D. Qualification Exam Results the former part of 2025
1. Pass Criteria:
- Those who passed the written exam or who are exempt from the written exam and those who received higher than 75%(300) out of 400 in the document Evaluation
2. The list of students who passed the exam (see above)
1. 합격기준: 필기시험 통과(면제) 및 서류전형 400점 만점기준 중 75% 이상(300점) 획득자
2. 합격자: 30명
연번 | 학번 | 심의결과 |
1 | 20247038 | 합격 |
2 | 20245306 | 합격 |
3 | 20245475 | 합격 |
4 | 20245395 | 합격 |
5 | 20245103 | 합격 |
6 | 20245494 | 합격 |
7 | 20245453 | 합격 |
8 | 20245307 | 합격 |
9 | 20245506 | 합격 |
10 | 20245629 | 합격 |
11 | 20245143 | 합격 |
12 | 20245181 | 합격 |
13 | 20245275 | 합격 |
14 | 20237063 | 합격 |
15 | 20247036 | 합격 |
16 | 20247061 | 합격 |
17 | 20235448 | 합격 |
18 | 20235723 | 합격 |
19 | 20245228 | 합격 |
20 | 20245141 | 합격 |
21 | 20245274 | 합격 |
22 | 20245480 | 합격 |
23 | 20247023 | 합격 |
24 | 20245187 | 합격 |
25 | 20245465 | 합격 |
26 | 20245246 | 합격 |
27 | 20245087 | 합격 |
28 | 20245310 | 합격 |
29 | 20245528 | 합격 |
30 | 20245605 | 합격 |
□ Notice on the Ph.D. Qualification Exam Results the former part of 2025
1. Pass Criteria:
- Those who passed the written exam or who are exempt from the written exam and those who received higher than 75%(300) out of 400 in the document Evaluation
2. The list of students who passed the exam (see above)
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