- 2022년 후기 박사과정 자격시험 결과/Notice on the Ph.D. Qualification Exam Results the latter part of 2022
- 관리자 |
- 2022-08-09 10:57:19|
- 1422
2022년 후기 박사과정 자격시험 결과
1. 합격기준: 필기시험 통과 및 서류전형 400점 만점기준 중 75% 이상(300점) 획득
2. 합격자 (33명) [Ctrl+F 학번 검색 가능]
Notice on the Ph.D. Qualification Exam Results the later part of 2022
1. Pass Criteria:
- Those who passed the written exam or who are exempt from the written exam and
- Those who received higher than 75%(300) out of 400 in the document Evaluation.
2. The list of students who passed the exam (see above)
1. 합격기준: 필기시험 통과 및 서류전형 400점 만점기준 중 75% 이상(300점) 획득
2. 합격자 (33명) [Ctrl+F 학번 검색 가능]
20215060 |
20215112 |
20215462 |
20215466 |
20215471 |
20215493 |
20215549 |
20215565 |
20215567 |
20215636 |
20217104 |
20217105 |
20225015 |
20225023 |
20225056 |
20225063 |
20225094 |
20225097 |
20225135 |
20225141 |
20225144 |
20225175 |
20225203 |
20225213 |
20225259 |
20225266 |
20225277 |
20225287 |
20225307 |
20225340 |
20225406 |
20227015 |
20227054 |
Notice on the Ph.D. Qualification Exam Results the later part of 2022
1. Pass Criteria:
- Those who passed the written exam or who are exempt from the written exam and
- Those who received higher than 75%(300) out of 400 in the document Evaluation.
2. The list of students who passed the exam (see above)
첨부파일 |