• [세미나 안내] Henrik Rudolph (Professor, Netherlands Defence Academy) Nov. 19th, 14:30
  • 관리자 |
  • 2019-11-18 13:23:51|
  • 8015



생명화학공학과에서는 Applied Surface Science 학회지 편집장 Henrik Rudolph 교수님을 모시고 아래와 같이 세미나를 개최하오니 많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다.


Please come and join the seminar. Find the details below.


◥ Speaker: Henrik Rudolph (Professor, Netherlands Defence cademy)

◥ ScheduleNov. 19th (Tue.), 2:30PM

 Place: Lecture room (#2116) @ W1-3 Bldg.

◥ Title: How to successfully contribute to the world of scientific publishing a presentation meant for the aspiring author and reviewer



You may have, at some point, heard the expression “Publish or Perish”. It is true that a scientist, who does not publish his or her scientific results in a reputable (electronic) journal, will not receive the necessary recognition or scientific respect as a scientist. It is often a major hurdle for a young scientist to get the first paper accepted in a scientific journal. This submission will, most likely, be related to a PhD thesis and the aspiring author will benefit from the support from their advisor and other senior scientists.


In this presentation I will give you some tips and suggestions, that will improve your chances of having your submission accepted in a reputable journal. I will also try to convince you to participate fully in the whole process of scientific publishing, including reviewing papers for scientific journal or helping others with their papers. The tips and tricks are not discipline specific, however, I will also give you a behind-the-scenes look at one of the larger scientific journals from the publisher Elsevier: Applied Surface Science with more than 18000 submission per year and an impact factor of 5.155.





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