• RES Group Inc. 석박사급 신입사원 채용안내(수시채용)
  • 관리자 |
  • 2016-05-09 11:13:02|
  • 7904

RES Group Inc.(미국 보스턴 소재)에서는 석박사급 신입사원을 아래와 같이 수시채용하고 있으니, 관심 있는 분께서는 참고하여 주시기 바랍니다. 



Title: Chemical Engineer


Job Description

RES Group is seeking to hire Project Engineers in chemical engineering to work on its chemical process modeling and engineering projects. 

The projects center around solving challenging problems in chemical reactor design, process optimization, and safety studies from leading chemical companies.  

Work may include all stages of chemical process design and troubleshooting, 

from early development and literature review, model implementation, and test and results analysis, to final deliverables to customers. 

Project work is typically carried out as part of a project team with other RES Group members who have deep expertise in Chemical Engineering, Biology, Advanced Numerics, Software Development, and Project Leadership. Beyond chemical process development,

RES Group offers opportunities to grow and broaden one’s career through its other major business areas of energy, automotives, and drug discovery and development.



  • MS and/or PhD in chemical engineering with exposure to computational modeling, or related field with a familiarity of chemical processes.
  • The ability to extrapolate chemical process into mathematical frameworks including model building, simulation, and analysis are essential.
  • This position requires excellent communication, interpersonal, and organizational skills as part of interaction with customers.
  • Basic competence in computer programming is important, however the exact language is not.  Experience in Python programming is a plus.

The candidate must work effectively both independently and in a team setting, and be open to some travel.

Work conditions

  • Hours: full-time
  • Location: Korea and U.S.A. (to be discussed according to each individual situation)
  • Salary & Benefits: Local levels for equivalent jobs (to be discussed according to his/her experience and ability) 

About RES Group – www.resgroupinc.com

RES Group (Reaction Engineering Specialists), founded in 2001 as an MIT spin-off, is an international technical solution provider for high-value scientific and engineering problems across multiple industries including chemicals, energy, and pharmaceuticals. Throughout our many projects

and strategic partnerships, we provide breakthrough insight especially in the chemical industry for first-of-a-kind reactor design, emission reduction, and safety measures in new plant design.

RES Group is an equal opportunity employer.

 Please reply with a resume and cover letter to: recruiting@resgroupinc.com
