- 2022학년도 학부생 연구인턴십 및 대학원생 모집 (NextGen Medicine Lab, 삼성서울병원/성균관대)
- 관리자 |
- 2022-01-21 14:24:42|
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성균관대 의과대학/ 인공지능학과 NextGen Medicine Lab에서 학부연구인턴 및 대학원생을 모집합니다.
본 연구실은 삼성미래기술육성과제 및 과학기술부 연구지원을 받아,
인공지능/데이터 사이언스를 바탕으로 암 유전자 데이터를 분석함으로써,
암 정밀의학 구현과 항암 신약 개발에 매진하고 있습니다.
관심있는 여러분의 많은 지원 바랍니다.
브릭공고: https://www.ibric.org/myboard/read.php?Board=job_recruit&id=652525
홈페이지: https://leejoosang.wixsite.com/ngml
S Sinha,..., JS Lee#, et al. A systematic genome-wide mapping of oncogenic mutation selection during CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing. Nature Communications (2021).
JS Lee#, et al. Synthetic lethality mediated precision oncology via the tumor transcriptome. Cell (2021).
R Keshet*, JS Lee*, et al. T argeting purine synthesis in ASS1-expressing tumors enhances the response to immune checkpoint inhibitors. Nature Cancer (2020).
S Kalaora*, JS Lee*, et al. Immunoproteasome expression is associated with better prognosis and response to checkpoint therapies in melanoma. Nature Communications (2020).
G Pathria, JS Lee, et al. Translational reprogramming marks adaptation to asparagine restriction in cancer. Nature Cell Biology (2019).
JS Lee#, E Ruppin#. Multiomics prediction of response rates to therapies to inhibit programmed cell death 1 and programmed cell death 1 ligand 1, JAMA Oncology (2019).
X Feng, N Arang, DC Rigiracciolo, JS Lee#, et al. A platform of synthetic lethal gene interaction networks reveals that the GNAQ uveal melanoma oncogene controls the Hippo pathway through FAK. Cancer Cell (2019).
AD Sahu*, JS Lee*, et al.Genome‐wide prediction of synthetic rescue mediators of resistance to targeted and immunotherapy. Molecular Systems Biology (2019).
N Auslander, G Zhang, JS Lee, et al.. Robust prediction of response to immune checkpoint blockade therapy in metastatic melanoma. Nature Medicine (2018).
JS Lee*, L Adler*, et al. Urea cycle dysregulation generates clinically relevant genomic and biochemical signatures. Cell (2018). (국민일보: http://news.kmib.co.kr/article/view.asp?arcid=0924023237)
JS Lee*, A Das*, et al. Harnessing synthetic lethality to predict the response to cancer treatment. Nature Communications (2018).
(* co-first author, # co-corresponding author)
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