
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (CBE) is a unique engineering field that encompasses all length scales,
from atoms to the plant scale, in order to comprehend and manipulate the fundamental characteristics of
chemical and biological systems. This discipline aims to develop a wide range of chemical and biological products.
To nurture the next generation of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineers, the undergraduate program of KAIST CBE
offers a combination of fundamental courses and applied courses spanning nanomaterials, catalysis, energy and
environmental systems, biotechnology, and soft materials.


KAIST CBE offers a four-year undergraduate program leading to the academic degree of Bachelor of Science (B.S.). Our carefully designed curriculum provides undergraduate students with excellent opportunities to delve into specialized areas such as biotechnology, environmental systems, or materials. We provide students with guidelines for their coursework to assist in long-term academic planning. Furthermore, we encourage our students to engage in research to deepen their understanding of the scientific and engineering knowledge acquired during their coursework. KAIST CBE regularly updates the curriculum to ensure it reflects the latest advances in the field of CBE.